Business Leaders' Accelerated Start

Our BLAST (Business Leaders' Accelerated Start) Program helps you launch your business career while you're still in high school... for free! An enhanced dual-enrollment program, BLAST allows you to complete up to eight college courses in business without paying tuition. The program features:
- Tuition-free enrollment in credit-bearing college business courses taught by our faculty.
- An academic advisor assigned to each student.
- Access to Executives-in-Residence and executive guest lectures.
- Conditional admission to our nationally-ranked BS/MBA program.
- All credits count toward college degrees and are fully transferable.
- A college-level Certificate in Business Administration upon completion of five specified courses (Introduction to Business, Principles of Accounting, Business Law, Wealth Management & Financial Planning, Organizational Design & Structure).
Most courses meet once per week, from 5-7:30 p.m. on the McNichols Campus.
Admission Requirements
High school seniors need a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.25 to qualify; juniors need a 3.50.
The application, guidance counselor's recommendation, and parental consent forms are available on the High School Dual Enrollment Program page.
For more information, please contact Dr. Evan Peterson, Director of Undergraduate Business Programs, at 313-993-1114 or