Dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Computer & Information Systems (MBA/MSCIS)

The dual MBA/MSCIS degree option is offered for those who wish to combine their knowledge of the business environment with the rapidly changing world of information technology.
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is designed to accommodate the career needs of professionals across a wide variety of work organizations: business, healthcare, industrial, educational and governmental.
The Master of Science in Information Technology (MS) with a major in Software Management produces effective leaders for advanced technology organizations. It offers leading-edge, industry-based knowledge of best practices in IT process development, leadership, program management and software assurance. It provides a seamlessly integrated strategic understanding of the correct way to manage lifecycle processes, software assurance processes, security and privacy.
Under the dual MBA/MCI degree program, students are required to be enrolled in both programs. In this option, a maximum of nine (9) overlapping credit hours may be counted toward the two concurrent degrees if the overlapping credits are approved for both degrees, saving you time and money.
The dual degree program is offered cooperatively between the College of Liberal Arts Education and the College of Business Administration.
Global Perspectives
As the center of the world automotive industry, Detroit provides numerous local resources for international perspectives.
In addition, we partnered with 24 Jesuit business schools to develop the first recognized foreign MBA program in Beijing, China. Intensive courses are also offered during the summer in England, Ireland, China, Brazil and Mexico.
Important Connections
You will become part of Detroit Mercy's professional network and make strong connections with your classmates and faculty. Employees from more than 200 businesses and professional organizations have enrolled as degree candidates at Detroit Mercy.
Here, you learn alongside students from around the world, build lasting relationships and stay connected long after you graduate.
Flexible Paths
Take advantage of a full or part-time schedule. Depending on your academic background, it is possible to complete the degree requirements in one year on a full-time basis. Classes are conveniently offered on the McNichols Campus with evening and weekend schedules. In addition, two accelerated 7-week summer sessions are offered.
Faculty often act as academic advisors to students, assisting with research projects and career objectives.
Unique Identity
Rooted in the Jesuit and Mercy traditions, the College champions academic excellence and good character by encouraging intellectual, spiritual, ethical and social growth.
Our faculty have superb academic and professional backgrounds and many bring a personal, global perspective to the classroom. They will help you develop business skills, vision and ethical perspectives.
Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements
The MBA Program is open to students of high promise who have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. No prior academic work in business is required. Admission decisions are based on undergraduate grade point average (GPA), work experience, post graduate studies, recommendations and GMAT (if needed).
The Master of Science in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS) with a major in Software Management requires acceptance to program. Admission criteria to the Master of Science in Computer Information Systems program differ from the MBA program admission criteria. See below for admission requirements for this program. For questions or assistance regarding the Master of Science in Computer Information Systems program, contact Gregory Laidlaw, DMIT, dual degree co-director and chair of the Department of Cybersecurity Information Systems, at 313-993-3337 or laidlags@udmercy.edu.Admission Materials for the MBA
- A University of Detroit Mercy Graduate Application Form, with the application fee (waived for online applications);
- Official transcripts for all previous academic work;
- An official report with the scores earned on the GMAT (if needed)
- A resume;
- A letter of Graduate Business Programs Recommendation (*click here to download the form); and
- Any other information which the applicant feels is important to the admission decision.
Admission Materials for the MCI
The MSCIS program is open to students of high academic promise who have earned a four-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. Of primary importance are the nature and quality of the applicant's prior academic record and work experience. No prior work in software management is necessary since the curriculum encapsulates the entire body of knowledge.
Incoming students with limited background in software development may be required to complete foundational course(s) to ensure the student is prepared to meet the requirements of the degree. The foundational course is: CIS 1010 Foundations of Cybersecurity.To apply for admission to this program, applicants should submit the following materials:
1. A University of Detroit Mercy Graduate Application Form;
2. Official transcripts for all previous academic work;
3. Any other information that the applicant feels is important to the admission decision. -
Do I need the GMAT?
Do I need the GMAT?
- Was your undergraduate grade point average 3.0 or above?
- Do you have seven or more years of professional experience?
- Have you already earned a graduate or professional degree?
If you can answer "yes" to at least two of these questions, then you have an excellent chance to gain admission to the AACSB accredited MBA program at University of Detroit Mercy without taking the GMAT! Otherwise, you should plan to submit official scores from either the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE). For more information, contact Student Services Coordinator for CBA Graduate Programs Carrol Parris at 313-993-1203 or carrol.parris@udmercy.edu.
Accelerated Curriculum
Degree Requirements
MBA Degree Requirements
Students who desire this dual degree option should normally declare their intention during their first semester of enrollment. Students must contact the Graduate Business Program Director to file the appropriate form with the Graduate Business Programs Office.
Students must meet the admission requirements for both programs, fulfill all foundation requirements for both programs and successfully complete the coursework specified for the Dual Degree Option.
The basic requirements for University of Detroit Mercy's MBA Program involve a 33-credit hour structure which includes the following set of core courses and a set of post-core courses. Core courses serve as the heart of a common educational experience for all students who seek the MBA degree. Post-core requirements include an integrated capstone course, MBA 5900.
- ACC 5200 Managerial Accounting (3 credits)
- MBA 5200* Modeling, Analytics, and Decision Making (3 credits)
- MBA 5210 Personal Development, Ethics, and Social Responsibility (3 credits)
- MBA 5220 Strategic Financial Management (3 credits)
- MBA 5240 Marketing Management and Planning (3 credits)
- MBA 5250 Teamwork & Leadership (3 credits)
- MBA 5260* Systems and Technology (3 credits)
* MBA 5200 and MBA 5260 satisfy elective credits in the Master of Science in Computer and Information Systems program.
Post Core Courses
- MBA 5900 Strategic Management (3 credits)
- Advanced Electives* (9 credits)
* The nine hours of advanced electives (beyond foundation and core) provide an elective route in Computer and Information Systems for the MBA degree.
Under the dual MBA/MCI degree program, students are required to be enrolled in both programs. In this option a maximum of nine overlapping credit hours may be counted toward the two concurrent degrees if the overlapping credits are approved for both degrees.
Graduate students should consult the Chair of the Cybersecurity & Information Systems department for advising in their Master of Science in Computer & Information Systems program requirements and courses.
MCI Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Master of Science in Computer & Information Systems with a major in Software Management (MCI) must complete 30-credit-hours, with a minimum 3.0 grade point average, which are comprised of five required courses and five electives. The shared MBA courses will be considered as electives.
- CIS 5010 Introduction to Information Systems (3 credits)
- CIS 5100 Object Orientation Software Development (3 credits)
- CIS 5200 Specification (3 credits)
- CIS 5300 Software Assurance (3 credits)
- CIS 5400 Software Management (3 credits)
Electives (choose 5 from the list below)
- Any CIS graduate-level course not listed as required (3 credits)
- Any CYBE graduate-level course (must have Cybersecurity & Information Systems department chair approval) (3 credits)
- DATA 5001 Science and Data (3 credits)
- DATA 5150 Quantitative Foundations of Economic Analysis (3 credits)
- DATA 5310 Introduction to Data Mining (3 credits)
- MBA 5200 Modeling, Analytics, and Decision Making (3 credits)
- MBA 5260 Systems and Technology (3 credits)
- MBA 5335 Business Intelligence (3 credits)
MBA Foundation Courses
Foundation requirements include a set of courses designed for those applicants who have had no exposure or limited exposure to business courses in their academic background and/or limited work experience. These courses, up to a maximum of 12 credit hours, may be required to guarantee preparedness for the program's core and post-core requirements.
- ACC 5100 Financial Accounting (3 credits)
- MBA 5100 Legal Issues (3 credits)
- MBA 5120 Data Analysis for Decision Making (3 credits)
- MBA 5180 Fundamentals of Financial Management (3 credits)
Each applicant's program requirements are determined immediately following the admission decision. Foundation requirements may be waived, in any number, depending upon the applicant's academic background. The mere fact that a student has completed coursework in one or more particular disciplines or had extensive work experience does not imply that any waiver will be granted. Prior academic work must be of sufficient quantity and quality as to satisfy the specific criteria established. Each student's specific requirements are determined individually with the objective of ensuring the overall quality of that student's degree program.
MCI Foundation Courses
While the complete body of knowledge is included in the MCI program, those students with limited background in software development may be required to complete a foundational course to ensure the student is prepared to meet the requirements of the degree.
The foundational course is: CIS 1010 Foundations of Cybersecurity.
About CBA
A degree in Business Administration helps connect you with a dynamic group of business leaders, community partners and fellow students. Here you can delve deeper and learn more about us.
For more information about our Graduate Business Programs, including our MBA, MBA/MHSA and JD-MBA programs, please send your inquiries to:
Dr. Omid Sabbaghi
Director of Graduate Business Programs
sabbagom@udmercy.eduContact Admissions
The application process may differ based on what type of incoming student you are. Please visit our admission page to learn more and apply online.