CBA Students win at International Business Ethics & Sustainability Case Challenge

July 17, 2024

Each year, the College of Business Administration’s PRIME Center conducts a sustainability case competition based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Winners receive registration, airfare and lodging to compete in the International Business Ethics & Sustainability Case Challenge (IBESCC) hosted by Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. The objective of this competition is for students to develop a plan, in line with one or more of the sustainable development goals, to address a real-world problem involving a business.

The 2024 challenge turned out to be a global competition that featured graduate and undergraduate students from all across the U.S. and from countries such as Canada, Mexico, Colombia, India, Iran, Spain and France.

With coaching from the College’s Industry Liaison Joe Walsh, the Detroit Mercy team of Veronica Diez, Rigoberto Morales and Nisha (Ivy) Miah took first place in the 90-second pitch category, and second place in the 25-minute presentation category! 
